AMS Family Game Night, Family Feud

It's time for the Family Feud! Introducing the Middle School Students, ready for action! And their Parents/Guardians, on your marks! Let's start the FAMILY FEUD

Name an event that middle schoolers want to attend - AMS Family Game Night on Thursday, Feb. 9 - 6:00-8:00 pm.

Join us for a fun, FREE, evening with dinner & games. Dinner from 6-6:30. You will have the opportunity to try some new board games and even participate in Family Feud hosted by Kearsley's own Chad Mosher.

Please RSVP to AMS Family Engagement Liaison Denise Graham at or by calling/texting ‪810-230-4911‬.

You will also receive tips on supporting your student's education. Givaways and take home strategies provided through Title 31a grant funds.