Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Grants
Phone: 810-591-7601
Curriculum, Assessment & Grants
With state and federal grants, Kearsley is able to fund additional services to support learning, during the school day and afterschool.
Please reach out to Sarah Courneya if you are in need of services, or woud like to learn more about programs including the 23g MI Kids Back on Track Grant.

Sarah Courneya
Kearsley Community Schools curriculum is based on the learning expectations developed for use in the State of Michigan. The documents can be found on the State of Michigan Department of Education web site:
English Language Arts (ELA)
Kearsley Community Schools currently uses Benchmark Advance Curriculum for ELA K-5. This program offers a wide range of resources from phonics to big books, electronic resources, shared reading and writing and beyond. This curriculum is aligned with the Science of Reading and is developmentally appropriate, providing vertical alignment throughout the school district.
Over the course of the 2024-25 school year, Kearsley's K-5 classrooms will be piloting several different new curriculum options also aligned with the Science of Reading.
Kearsley Community Schools is using Renaissance STAR Early Literacy and Reading, ESGI, Heggerty, DRA, REWARDS, and Benchmark eAssessments with our K-5 students for instruction, intervention, and progress monitoring.
For more information please discuss with your child's teacher and/or check out the website below: