Message from Mr. Gaudard

Kearsley Families,

The Kearsley Community School District is committed to providing all students have a safe and secure school environment. Threat assessment has been and continues to be an important preventative measure to ensure the safety and security of all Kearsley students and staff.  We first began training district staff in 2021 using a nationally recognized threat assessment process, Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG).  All threat assessment teams include an administrator, social worker, and when appropriate, our district security/School Resource Officer. Certain situations may also require the involvement and expertise of our contracted school psychologist.  More information about C-STAG can be found here.

While we are confident in the processes we have implemented, it is important to regularly revisit our threat assessment protocols.  Earlier this month, all of our building threat assessment teams convened to review and ensure procedures and protocols remain consistent across all buildings.

Although we have strong processes and well-trained teams, effective threat assessment also relies upon our entire educational community, including parents, to be vigilant in identifying concerning behavior.  If you see or hear something, please immediately report your concerns to your child’s building principal.  Thank you for your continued commitment to a safe and healthy school environment. 


Paul Gaudard
Kearsley Community Schools